Frequently Asked Questions
Will skin testing hurt?
The method we most commonly use for skin testing is “non-invasive” and does not utilize any needles. Sterile allergy extracts, approved by the FDA, are loaded onto the skin testing device, which will be placed on the skin surface for 20-30 minutes. The test is virtually painless but if an allergy is detected, you may develop a “bump” and/or localized itching where the testing was applied. After the testing is completed and we apply “anti-itch” cream, most of our patients feel that there skin is back to normal very quickly.
If I am found to be allergic, would that mean that I would need to be on some form of immunotherapy?
The optimum treatment of allergy begins with diagnosing the allergy. Once an allergy is detected, we will provide you with several treatment options and if indicated, we will discuss with you the potential risks and benefits of immunotherapy. Not everyone with allergies requires treatment with immunotherapy or allergy shots. It is an option, especially if you prefer not to take medications indefinitely or if your symptoms are greatly affecting the quality of your life. We also have to take into account other medications you are taking, so as to minimize the chance of potential drug
Are allergy medications safe or will they make me sleepy?
On our web site, we include information on some of the most common medications used in the management of allergies. In general, allergy medications are considered safe but keep in mind, everyone responds to a medication differently. Our providers consider several factors when prescribing medications, not only evaluating the safety profile and the condition but also the patient’s concerns.
What’s the earliest age my child be allergy tested?
In general, because of the lack of the maturity of the immune system, we do not recommend allergy testing to those children younger than 2 years of age. However, in certain special circumstances, we will perform allergy testing on children younger than 2 years of age.
Will my insurance cover allergy testing?
Although some patients have insurance limitations to their allergy testing coverage, most insurance companies do cover allergy testing. Keep in mind, 40% of the workforce takes time off of work at one point or another because of their allergic condition and so most insurance providers consider allergy management to be medically necessary and considered to be preventative care.